When I met with my obstetrician for my first appointment this pregnancy, she said to me "discard any preconceived notions about pregnancy. This pregnancy and your last pregnancy will be totally different" and she was right.
My first pregnancy was pretty run of the mill. I went through the normal stages of morning sickness, cute gunt (for those of you who don't know what a gunt is...put your two favourite words together... GUT and ..., okay, you get the point), then the awkward fat phase (where your friends aren't sure what's happening with your body...you look like you're gaining weight, but no one wants to be rude and point it out, although they're dying to shout from the moutains "Slow down with the chips, my friend!"), then there's the obviously pregnant stage, and then full blown massively huge (I was retaining so much water at the end that when I met a friend for "coffee" the week before my due date, he didn't recognize me until I was so close that I basically punched him in the face!).
From the moment my body knew it was pregnant for the second time, I instantly gained 6 pounds. And when I say instantly, I mean, within a week...to the point where a friend of mine called another friend to ask if I was pregnant. Like, I was only 4 weeks pregnant, guys, and already it was that obvious????? Good grief! Before I hit the 3 month mark, I was wearing maternity pants. This kid was NOT fooling around. It didn't want to be restricted. It wanted the freedom to move about. It didn't like to feel tied down, and boy did it take advantage! From that point onwards it was like an invitation for Jabba The Hut to invade my body.

It's been a constant battle to keep food away from my mouth. And it's not just "food" per se, it's McDonald's milkshakes, pound cake, sour candies and my favourite, Quaker Blueberry Buttermilk Muffins (which, in case you were curious, top out at a whopping 170 calories per teeeeeeeeny weeeeeeeeny muffin, with an unbelieveable 32% fat!). Make no mistake, baby #2 is LARGE and IN CHARGE! It wants what it wants and it wants instant gratification.
With 10 weeks to go, a pound (I hope only a pound!?!) gained each week, and my skin stretching beyond oblivion, I'm sometimes thankful that I've opted for a second c-section, cuz this baby will make my 7lb 1oz baby #1 look like a dwarf by comparison. Hey Guinness, get your world record pen ready for July 7th, cuz this baby is gonna make a Bundy Splash!