Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ze Operation

So, this past week has been rather eventful, if I do say so myself. Because I've been away for a bit and not keeping up with my blog, I'll spend some time discussing the operation, the sibling introduction, the recovery, home, etc. in separate posts if that's okay. (Also doesn't help that I don't have a handful of minutes to spare most days!)

Today's post will be about the actual operation. So I survived the hunger strike and zero liquid diet..surprisingly. The c-section was scheduled for 11:45am...but of course, that didn't happen. Apparently there was one thing after another with regards to O.R. room availability. I felt like throwing out the Seinfeld quote, " see, you know how to TAKE the reservation, you just don't know how to HOLD the reservation, and that's really the most important PART of the reservation..." but I decided to keep my mouth shut as emergency c-sections were happening (and they obviously take precedence) as well as an electrical fire (thankfully that didn't happen during MY c-section...yikes).

So, after watching my husband eat a gigantic sandwich, 2 PAINFUL I.V. pokes, no water, but 500 pees wheeling an IV wagon around and 4 hours later, I made the death row walk down to the O.R. to get prepped. I was peculiarly not nervous, as I'd anticipated I'd be. The spinal wasn't painful and the O.R. team were very nice and super funny which helped to keep my mind of the task at hand. Finally my husband came into the room and they got started. I wasn't really sure what to expect as the last time I'd had a c-section I was completely unconscious, although from watching a billion "A Baby Story's" on TLC, I'd anticipated a lot of discomfort, pressure and pulling. That wasn't the case at all (thank you Ms. Anaesthesiologist!) and much to my surprise within minutes the baby was out and crying.

SO...what did I have????

I had a beautiful baby girl! I couldn't believe it! My husband was equally as shocked. I think the last month that I was pregnant we were both pretty sure that we had another little boy in the belly...but that just goes to show...sometimes, one really shouldn't trust their instincts (or maybe that's just me...I've been wrong 2 for 2 when it comes to guessing the sex of my babies!) So, for all of you out there who were rooting for a little girl...we finally got one! And, now that the baby is born, I can tell you that the whole time I was secretly wishing for one. I always thought it would be nice to have one of each...less competition for the siblings, etc. Now, I couldn't say that beforehand, obviously for fear that my new son would one day read this blog and feel I'd been disappointed with the end result...But no feelings needed to be spared! I have one boy and one girl. YAHOO!

Anyway, the whole planned c-section went off without a hitch and for the most part, I think it was the right option for me (more on that in later posts about my hospital stay and my recovery - still in process). I was so happy to experience the birth of my little girl while being awake, and being able to kiss her and cuddle her as soon as she was scooped out was absolute magic. Not to take away from the sound of her little cries when they were giving her a little scrub. It was like music to my ears. So, I really do feel like I'm extremely lucky. I have two healthy babies and what feels like the perfect family (said the woman who's only been a mom of two for ONE WEEK). I can't wait to see what the next weeks/months/years bring!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So, it's finally here. I am officially 12 hours away from my child's birth day. Can you believe it? I can hardly believe it myself to tell you the truth. I feel like this pregnancy has lasted a decade and in one day it'll all be done. Wow! The past couple of days have been particularly hard for me. I've tried to relish every moment that I've had alone with my two and a half year old. Yesterday we did all of his favourite things (including pretending to be a fire man with the hose in the backyard, taking a turn on ALL the ride-ons at Dixie Value Mall, having a soft-serve ice cream cone, eating Bunny Pasta for lunch and watching the whole "Cars" movie). I tried to make my last full day with him alone as special as possible, although I'm pretty sure he didn't see the importance of it. As I was reading him a story before bed last night I started to feel an enormous twinge of guilt. Although my husband and I have spent the last month "preparing" him for the newest edition to the family, he truly has NO CLUE what's in store. And for this I feel bad. I know there's nothing more we could've done. He's just at an age where he doesn't totally get what we're telling him, and until he experiences it, he won't. DONE AND DONE. But it doesn't change the fact that I feel terrible just "springing" this on him.

Tonight, as I was putting him to bed I realized that this would be the last time I would do this as a family of three. AND I CRIED AND CRIED AND CRIED AND CRIED. This should really be a happy occasion for the family, and in the grand scheme of things, it is. I know. But I couldn't help but get caught up in the moment, feeling like my son may hate me when the next time I put him to bed, it will be with another human being in tow. Okay, it's time to stop whining about it.

Tomorrow is a BIG DAY! I will finally get to meet The Bean!!!!! I'm so excited! And of course, a little bit nervous. I mean, it is major surgery I'm having...but I'm thinking as positively about it as I possibly can. It's all a means to an end, right? So, I've just finished my "last supper" (for those of you who know me, you won't be surprised that it was Kraft Dinner), because I'm not allowed to eat beyond midnight tonight. I also had to call the Labour and Delivery Triage unit this afternoon to confirm the "no drinking" beyond 3am policy they have. I didn't think it was that big a deal. I don't drink pop or juice or it wasn't all that big a sacrifice. BUT...what I didn't realize was that the rule also included WATER!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it's true. Not a drop of water after 3am. Yes, it's a freakin' heat wave. Yes, my surgery isn't until 11:45am tomorrow...YES, THAT'S A LONG TIME WITHOUT AQUA!!!!! So, I'm drinking as much as I possibly can for the next 4 hours in hopes that my body retains it (hello pregnant bladder....?). I'm also crossing my fingers that I will actually get some sleep tonight, although I'm feeling like this is going to be highly unlikely...nerves and all.

I did, however, want to let everyone know that we appreciate all the well wishes that we've received over the past few days. The next time you hear from me I will have officially gone from one to two...I hope I can cope!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hating Gisele

So, we all know how much I despise that rottenly beautiful Brazilian Gisele Bundchen, right? Well, if YOU didn't hate her will now. This post is short and sweet, but I'm telling you, mothers of the world...brace yourself...cuz not only is she tall, thin, beautiful, rich, married to a hot millionaire with an amazing body and has a gorgeous child to boot, but she's also the perfect mother. All I have to say is:

Please read the below link and judge for yourself...

Try not to feel inadequate and enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Weekend Of Living In Relaxed Mode

So far so good. Sure, it's only Saturday, but technically the "weekend" is half-over, so I'm doing pretty well considering! I'm hoping that my long weekend of pampering will continue until tomorrow night, but if indeed it doesn't, I'm still feeling reposed.

On Thursday I dropped my son off at the in-laws for a sleepover, and then made the jaunt to my friend's house where she proceeded to make me a delicious breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit.

Then I puttered around the house until my husband came home from work. Date night followed with a fantastic dinner out at a local Italian restaurant only to be topped off by a LONG and RESTFULLY UNINTERRUPTED night's sleep where I woke up at 8:30am the next morning (Can you even imagine? For those of you without children, a mom waking up at 8:30am is the equivalent of a single person waking up at 1:30pm - It's a dream!).


On Friday, we SLOWLY made our way back up to the in-laws, where again, I was made breakfast. Then I made an appointment to have my eyebrows threaded (I was starting to look like a hairy caterpillar). Having one's eyebrows pulled out by a piece of tooth floss isn't high on most people's lists when it comes to the most relaxing things. I get it. Especially when the salon sits you in a chair in front of a HUGE window where the entire city of North York can see you in your hairy glory...but needless to say, it was as relaxing as the situation could be. Plus, then I was able to come back to the in-laws for a dive in the pool. At this point the pool is my sanctuary. When you're a 175 pound whale it is not often that you get to feel almost weightless.

Then my husband made me lunch and we sat out in the sun while our little one napped, and then the in-laws kept an eye on the wee guy until it was essentially time to put him to bed. When we got back home I filled my tub with some Mediterranean sea salts (a wonderfully thoughtful gift from MJ) and soaked, ate dark chocolate (another gift from MJ) and read until it was time to crawl into bed myself!

I couldn't really ask for a more easygoing two days. And again, it's only SATURDAY. Today we have a pool party scheduled (where I'm anticipating (aka demanding) my husband will be in full charge of the child, as I'm a little bit too obese to be chasing my agile 2 1/2 year old around a huge water-filled death trap)...which means I will be spending the day relaxing poolside and being fed someone else's food in which they've slaved over. Tough life. I guess I'm going to have to milk this for as long as possible, because I have a feeling it's going to be short lived. My house still has to be cleaned, the laundry still has to be washed and dried, the groceries still have to be bought and put away and this all looms ahead for my Sunday. Yet, I still have a full 24 hours to enjoy the day and I will make the most of it, mark my words!

I hope you all are having an equally relaxing Canada Day long weekend filled with fun, friends and family!