On Thursday I dropped my son off at the in-laws for a sleepover, and then made the jaunt to my friend's house where she proceeded to make me a delicious breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit.

Then I puttered around the house until my husband came home from work. Date night followed with a fantastic dinner out at a local Italian restaurant only to be topped off by a LONG and RESTFULLY UNINTERRUPTED night's sleep where I woke up at 8:30am the next morning (Can you even imagine? For those of you without children, a mom waking up at 8:30am is the equivalent of a single person waking up at 1:30pm - It's a dream!).

On Friday, we SLOWLY made our way back up to the in-laws, where again, I was made breakfast. Then I made an appointment to have my eyebrows threaded (I was starting to look like a hairy caterpillar). Having one's eyebrows pulled out by a piece of tooth floss isn't high on most people's lists when it comes to the most relaxing things. I get it. Especially when the salon sits you in a chair in front of a HUGE window where the entire city of North York can see you in your hairy glory...but needless to say, it was as relaxing as the situation could be. Plus, then I was able to come back to the in-laws for a dive in the pool. At this point the pool is my sanctuary. When you're a 175 pound whale it is not often that you get to feel almost weightless.

Then my husband made me lunch and we sat out in the sun while our little one napped, and then the in-laws kept an eye on the wee guy until it was essentially time to put him to bed. When we got back home I filled my tub with some Mediterranean sea salts (a wonderfully thoughtful gift from MJ) and soaked, ate dark chocolate (another gift from MJ) and read until it was time to crawl into bed myself!
I couldn't really ask for a more easygoing two days. And again, it's only SATURDAY. Today we have a pool party scheduled (where I'm anticipating (aka demanding) my husband will be in full charge of the child, as I'm a little bit too obese to be chasing my agile 2 1/2 year old around a huge water-filled death trap)...which means I will be spending the day relaxing poolside and being fed someone else's food in which they've slaved over. Tough life. I guess I'm going to have to milk this for as long as possible, because I have a feeling it's going to be short lived. My house still has to be cleaned, the laundry still has to be washed and dried, the groceries still have to be bought and put away and this all looms ahead for my Sunday. Yet, I still have a full 24 hours to enjoy the day and I will make the most of it, mark my words!
I hope you all are having an equally relaxing Canada Day long weekend filled with fun, friends and family!
I hope you all are having an equally relaxing Canada Day long weekend filled with fun, friends and family!
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