After I gave birth to my first child I took a "ballet bootcamp" class at the local pilates studio. There was a woman who had to, quite frequently, take pee breaks during each class because if she didn't relieve herself, she would also pee her pants. Again, I didn't really get it. Women blamed childbirth and the "pushing" action for their incontinence...but I had given birth...I had pushed for half an hour (granted, a baby didn't technically come out of that nether-region...but I still pushed), yet I didn't once have any urination issues.
Then came baby number two. My baby was big and LOW and pushed on my bladder CONSTANTLY. Because my little one was breech..she REALLY loved to kick "down there". And, I'll admit it, there were a couple of times when I coughed or sneezed and a little "bit" snuck out. But, luckily, I have somehow managed to go through two pregnancies pretty much unscathed.
Last week I was with a handful of ladies in a mom's group and someone mentioned that they were prescribed the "Lady System" by their OB at their six week appointment.
Obviously I was intrigued. What the heck was this "lady system". This particular mom proceeded to explain that is was 5 different weights that you stuck in your vagina (similar to a tampon) and the goal was to keep this weight inside for a certain amount of time each day to workout the kegel muscles, hence tightening up the pelvic floor . SAY WHA????? Never in a million years had I EVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING! I couldn't imagine having to do that for half an hour every day. Like a new mom doesn't have enough to do?? In addition to caring for a newborn baby, trying to get some sleep, losing her baby weight, cleaning a house and cooking for her family, she has to do all of this while balancing a pendulum from her front bum??? That is CRAZY TALK!

So, I looked it up and sure enough, there it is, in all its glory. So all of you out there who are like me and have never heard of such a thing...check out the website:
Now, I'm not sure what happens if one of these weights falls out...but it sounds like an interesting remedy to a problem I thankfully don't have. If you've tried it out, please let me know. I'm curious to know if it's a scam, or if it actually fixes the issue...and for those of you who have this issue...dangling a string in between your legs for a couple of minutes each day sounds mildly more appetizing than a "Depends", no? And for those of you out there, tickling your moms for a laugh...have a little sympathy. They pee because of you, ya jerk!
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