As many of you mothers know, yesterday was the first official day of school. Although several of you were overjoyed to finally have some peace and quiet in your household there were many whose children have just left home for a full day for the first time...and this has caused much sadness. As I was taking my youngest out for a walk yesterday, I ran into one of my friends as she was leaving to pick up her kids from school. This woman is another hero of mine, as she has twins and makes raising two for one look VERY easy. Her kids are fantastic, smart, athletic and very well behaved and you can tell they love their mother very much. The feeling is obviously mutual and I knew that she would be a little blue when the two apples of her eye were off to full day school. And I was right. She came out with tears in her eyes, saying that she had thought she was going to be okay, but as the day came closer and closer, she got a little sadder and sadder. I know that it will get easier but I can totally relate...
You may remember waaaaaaaay back when, I was stressing about getting my son into some sort of daycare situation because I was afraid of having to entertain TWO KIDS at the same time. At that point, my husband and I had our little guy enrolled in a part time nursery school program, but were hoping to get a 5 day a week situation with the nursery school or at least getting him into a two day a week FULL TIME daycare
program. We were fretting that we wouldn't ever get a placement because the waiting lists were jammed. I got an email yesterday from the director of the nursery school saying that they were going to be discussing the waiting list on Wednesday (today!!!!) to decide who was eligible for the full time program. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...or so I thought. The idea sounds great. One kid all week except for the afternoon when the eldest is spending the majority of the time napping. What could be better, right? WRONG. After really giving it some thought I started panicking. He's already scheduled for two mornings at nursery school a week. Then Nana comes twice a week and watches one so I can play with the other, so that really leaves me with ONE DAY A WEEK to spend with my two kids at the same time. If I put him into the nursery school 5 days a week then I will have NO time to play with him. NONE. Just the weekends...and that's when I have to fight off my husband who is trying to get his time in as he has been kid deprived all week while at work.

So, essentially now I look like a jerk. I've contacted the nursery school AT LEAST four
times since we were put on the list to see if there was any movement, if there was a chance we would get a spot...and tomorrow I may get a phone call offering my little guy a full time position! EEEEEEK! I feel like the best thing for me is to decline. Am I crazy? I know that it would benefit my eldest to go to school. He's pretty smart and I can only teach him so much...but I'm obviously also selfish and I want a little time with him. I also wonder if I'm just being spoiled right now. My baby is perfect. She sleeps, she's happy...but once she gets a little older...a little more mobile...will two be a handful? Will I regret my decision? All I know is that if I'm this sad about two half days a week, I can only imagine what kind of a disaster I will be 1) on the first day of full time school and 2) when both my kids go off to university....Good thing I have a couple of years to prepare myself. My heart goes out to all the moms out there that are finding their days empty and quiet. I know it will get easier...but I totally get it.

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