So, my hair is pretty long. Long enough that I can get away with washing it only once or twice a week (lucky for me, because my free time is few and far between these last three months!). Because I knew we were getting together with family over the long weekend, I thought it best for me (and the others - no one wants to sit beside the greasy-headed lady) to wash it before we set out for our trip to our Aunt's place. Now, I knew that at some point it was going to happened a couple of months after my son was born and it blew my every time I wash my hair now, I wait with bated breath
. And this time it happened. As I was rinsing the shampoo from my "locks", I pulled out a clump. Then I "repeated"...and I pulled out another clump. Then finally I applied and rinsed out the conditioner. CLUMP AGAIN!!!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen...The hair loss has begun! One of the only wonderful things about being pregnant (other than carrying your child, of course) is that you get beautiful, thick, glossy hair. It makes it look moderately okay when someone's holding it back while one's puking ones guts out with morning sickness. But of course, once the baby is born, everything goes south: the belly, the boobs, the hips, the thighs, the butt and of course, the MOP! As if we weren't punished enough...the powers that be thought to himself..."How do I make it worse?...Yes! The hair!"...Anyway, let the balding begin, I say. I mean, if Sinead O'Connor and Natalie Portman can do it, then I can certainly pull it off (YEAH RIGHT!!!!). With my luck, I'll look like this...

Anyway, there's not much I can do about it, other than just let it happen. I'll deal with the wisps that will find themselves at my hairline and tickle me CONSTANTLY. Those silly hairs that won't go in a ponytail and stick out like a sore thumb...Hopefully my husband won't kill me when he has to pull an entire head of hair from the drain. I'm trying my best to catch them before they get there, but I'd love a little understanding, okay?

Now, from one torture to another... This past week's weight loss progress:
Starting Weight: 148.8 lbs
Current Weight: 144.4 lbs
Current Weight: 144.4 lbs
(Yes, I stepped on the scale THREE TIMES because I didn't believe it myself. I didn't do an ounce of exercise AND it was Thanksgiving weekend. I think someone was sending their good thin vibes to me...and whoever you are I thank you profusely. I can't guarantee that I can pull numbers like this again...! But this does give me hope that sooner than later I'll be able to wear pants that don't have elastic waists!)
Goal Weight: 130 lbs
Dream Weight: 125 lbs
So, with my neck back in order (thanks Balance Health Centre!) and no JUNK FOOD in my house (I ate the last ice cream sandwich last night) I'm hoping that this is only the beginning of my thinnification. Maybe I can hit my goal weight by Christmas??? Santa can you hear me???

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