It appears that any little thing can set me off. In addition to the heat, exhaustion, uncomfortableness and total and utter irritability that I have been dealing with (not to mention my poor husband, who's had to endure this for almost 10 months - with the emotions hitting the apex only NOW!), this morning I scratched our new car. Yes, you read it right. The same car that we purchased LESS THAN A WEEK AGO. I was overconfidently backing out of our shared driveway and scratched the side of the car along our neighbour's house. Who does that? (I don't want to hear any comments from the peanut gallery about my driving...). Of course, then the tears came. So, I immediately jumped out of the car to check the damage. It didn't look fantastic, but it didn't seem overly terrible either. At least that's what I thought. I took it straight to the body shop down the street to get an estimate, and they basically blew my mind. $1200 worth of damage. There goes the waterworks again...You'd think I had ripped the entire side off the car! Anyway...so much for saving for a rainy day. Looks like I'll be taking donations.

In addition to the repair costs being ridiculous, they say they need to keep the car for 3-4 days in order to repair it. WHEN WILL IT END????? I don't know about you, but the timing couldn't be worse. If I wanted to get it fixed immediately, I would be stuck without a car...stuck at home...all stinkin' week. P.S. - In case you're not aware...I'm having a baby on Wednesday...I can't give up my car. But will I have time to have it in the shop for 3-4 days once the baby has arrived? I'm not convinced of that either. Anyway, not sure what the best course of action is to deal with this, but I feel like such a jerk. My fear now, though, is that I'll be too scared to back out of the driveway again...and be stuck at home, or worse yet, I'll be the lame wife that has to have her husband back her car out of the driveway anytime she wants to go anywhere. I'll have to start a mantra..."I'm not afraid to drive. I'm not afraid to drive"...What have I become?
Anyway, I'm hoping that this is the worst that I will encounter now that I've officially started my maternity leave. It was supposed to be a relaxing couple of days before the little bean arrives, not the exact opposite. So, beginning RIGHT NOW, here's to one week of thoroughly tranquil, tearless and sleep filled days and nights. CHEERS EVERYONE!

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