Why is it that mothers who feed their babies formula (whether it be for every feed or just supplementing) feel like they have to justify their choice? I feel like when I'm in the company of other women with infants they feel the need to explain why they're pulling out the bottle and the powder.
I'm 100% positive that it's not just me they spill their story to. Why is it that in this day in age, a full grown woman can't feel assured that their choice is exactly that. THEIR OWN! Now, don't get all high and mighty on me...I totally understand the benefits of breastmilk. My first child was breastfed exclusively until he was 7 months old, and then I had to supplement because he got distracted by a particle of dust flying through the air and couldn't sit still long enough to empty a boob. I have friends who exclusively breastfeed their children, I have friends that do half and half, I have friends who just top up with formula and I have friends who rely solely on that tin can. I find, though, that because I breastfeed my kids (thankfully only one kid at present...), women feel that they need to explain why they're giving their own child formula.

I know there are people out there that are crazy militant breast feeding mommas (and kudos to you - because I get it! Breastmilk RULES!)

But really?...WHO CARES????

Is one child weaker than the other? Is one child smarter than the other? Is one child more sickly than another? HELLZ NO! I am a pe

Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not Kreskin. I can't magically understand every woman's choice. I can't read all mothers' minds. And I most certainly don't know the reasoning behind someone's personal choice when it comes to feeding their child. Who knows if the mother with the formula has a medical condition, has had breast surgery or is on medication. That mother may have tried and tried and tried and tried and tried to breastfeed but they couldn't produce milk, or heck...maybe they just chose the formula route because they weren't comfortable with breastfeeding. I can tell you this. All women who feed their child formula feel mildly stigmatized for doing so. And because of this feel the need to constantly inform those leering eyes why they made their choice.
Whatever the reason, is it really up to us to judge? Isn't it hard enough to be a parent? Don't we all feel guilty with the choices we make...being too strict, being too lenient, giving our kids candy, or convenience food, making food from scratch vs. jarred, the list goes on and on AND on...Do we really need to start off our journey to parenthood feeling like we have to justify everything??
Now, if you're like me, when you're a "non-parent" you create a mental list of things you'll NEVER do when you have kids. I guarantee that by the end of year one as a mommy or daddy, you've done many-a-thing on that stinkin' list AT LEAST ONE TIME. As a mother, we should help our fellow parents out. Give them advice (BUT ONLY IF THEY ASK) and accept everyone's choices, whether you follow them yourself or not. We are all gonna fall off that perfect parent horse at some point, and let's hope that we have other parents out there who will help us brush the dust off us and get back on that stallion.
So, for all of my friends out there who have chosen the bottle over the breast (for whatever reason)...ladies (and gentlemen) you have to do what's best for your family. And no one knows what's best for that group except for you. I say this as I prepare myself for some nasty hate-mail....ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE??? LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED?
PS - I weigh 139.4 lbs. Phew! What a relief.
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