Okay, so IF I were paid to be a stay at home mom, my hours worked would be (on average) 16 hours a day (plus nights like last night where I was working overtime). So 16 hours/day x 7 days x 4 weeks is equal to 448 hours a month, which means IF there was a Human Resources department at my "work" I would be entitled to 3.2 sick days a month. Wouldn't that be nice? A full 3 days a month of no kids? No whining? No crying? No "No'ing"? No making dinner? A girl can dream right???
So what is a stay-at-home mom to do when she's as sick as a dog and has a very active pre-schooler and a 4 month old at home to watch? The answer, for me anyway...is TELEVISION. Now, I know I've just heard a multitude of you gasp (and I can just picture my favourite nemesis Gisele wagging her finger at me)...but honestly...what is the alternative? I can barely swallow. I'm hot and then I'm cold. My body aches. I know I should just suck it up and take the kids to the park....but I'm not going to. I'm going to open up the pull-out couch in the basement, grab all the pillows, a large glass of water for me, a sippy cup and snacks for my son and my remote controls. I'll bundle up my kids, sit them on the couch with me and turn on the TELEVISION. I've got movies...and lots of them (one of the benefits of having a husband that works in the film industry)...and we're gonna watch them. ALL OF THEM if we need to.
I know it's the easy way out, but I'm entitled to have ONE easy day, no? Can I be a little selfish on a day where a normal human being can stay at home, bundled in their warm, cozy bed with a nice cup of tea (no hot beverages in bed with two little ones) and hop themselves up on cold medication (another luxury a non-breastfeeding person has) and sleep and sleep and sleep? A day when a sick person would normally get to stay home and watch torrid television a la Maury Povich or a scary/violent/adult themed movie they've taken out of the library (not gonna happen with a two and a half year old)? So, sitting cuddled up to my two kids watching Toy Story over and over and over seems like the best alternative...and I'm not gonna feel bad about it.
I'm a day late with my weigh in, but here it is nonetheless:
Starting Weight: 148.8 lbs
Current Weight: 142.4 lbs
Goal Weight: 130 lbs
Dream Weight: 125 lbs
I seem to have lost a little bit of weight this week. Nothing to write home about, but I suppose it's better than gaining it right? The best part of this week was walking into my local library and having the attendant tell me that I've lost SO MUCH WEIGHT and I LOOK GREAT (these words will be burned into my mind forever!). So, I decided to reward myself and eat FOUR (yes FOUR!) cupcakes (unfrosted, of course...I'm not a heathen!!!!). Needless to say I'm planning on staying away from the scales until weigh-in next week. Especially when there are more cupcakes to be had and NO EXERCISE IN MY FUTURE. Oh well...
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