So, today I had a prenatal visit with my obstetrician. Surprisingly I have only gained 2 pounds in the last week. (I was especially surprised considering the Jabba the Hut type behaviour I've been exhibiting over the last few days...er...weeks). Now I can feel a bit better about the previous 8 pounds in 14 days that I gained at the last visit.
Unfortunately, I did receive a little bit of disappointing news as well. My doctor explained to me that the baby was breech (which I was made aware of when I visited the labour and delivery department 3 weeks ago for some unexplained spotting) but that the baby's position wasn't a big deal because I'd opted for an elective c-section. So off we went to book my caesarean...and much to my chagrin there were no available spots the week of my due date and my obstetrician is away on vacation the week before. I was shocked!!! Why was this left so late? Why didn't we book as soon as I had my first appointment? What did this mean?
Even if I wanted to have a standard delivery, unless my baby miraculously turns in the next 9 weeks (which it conceivably could since the fetus doesn't technically assume the "birthing position" until sometime between the 34th and 36th week), I'm stuck with the operation no matter what.
So...what, pray tell, can I do to coax this little beaner to flip upside down? From the research that I've done, it seems a little bit ridiculous, but here are some options (suggestions paraphrased from http://www.wearsthebaby.com/askce/cebreech.html) :
* Mom lays on her back and raises her bottom about 15 inches off the floor, with some help from some pillows, of course. (So...I'm doing it now. Do I not move until I go into labour? Or should I just be doing it for 10 minutes a day? I assume it means somewhere in between, but it's obviously open to interpretation)
*Another option is for mom to get into an extreme knee-chest position. The point is to get the hips higher than the head so the force of gravity will encourage the baby to move up out of the pelvis and into a more favorable position. (Okay, I don't know about you, but the likelihood that I can get my knees anywhere close to my chest with this 27 pound medicine ball attached to my midsection is slim to none..HELLO???)
* Place headphones near the pubic bone and play music to encourage the baby to turn (I can't even bring myself to comment on this one...)
* Have dad talk to the baby near mom's pubic bone (My poor husband! Last pregnancy he was relegated to the terrible perineal massage and now this...how humiliating... Love you, honey!!!!)
So...it sounds like my three options are as follows...1) go into labour and beg for the physician-on-call to rip me open, 2) cross my fingers that someone who's already booked their c-section goes into labour before their scheduled date and a spot opens up for me or 3) the Matthews' family coercive power (and of course fetal compliance...) flips this munchkin on it's lid and I can deliver the baby the old fashion way (OUCH!!!!!!)... So, all of your reading this measly blog...PLEASE SEND ME ALL YOUR KARMIC VIBES FOR OPTION NUMBER 2..........pretty please??????
Special shout outs to Strahan and Heather - congratulations on the birth of baby Avery last night! Let me know how having 2 stacks up! Also, sending quick and painless delivery vibes to Brian and Lauren who could possibly be introducing their first baby into the world this very moment!
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