* I'm getting a haircut today (it's been almost a year since someone put scissor to head...it's VERY necessary and long overdue)
* I'm getting a haircut today (it's been almost a year since someone put scissor to head...it's VERY necessary and long overdue)
* Vegetable plants have arrived and there has been NO cat poop in the garden bed in days!!!!!
* No stretch marks (yet...)
* Weather is less humid (hence I am less sweaty)
* The cleaning lady ACTUALLY came back
* Still haven't killed any elderly people at the grocery store and the hot chick at aquafit still lives to swim another day
* Still sleeping in the basement
* It's been too hot to actually plant those vegetables in the non-pooped in garden
* Not sure of baby's position (AGAIN!)
* Still scheduled for July 13th delivery (a week AFTER my due date)
* Planting the veggies in the garden
* Pedicure (I'm still rockin' the beastly feet)
* Prenatal massage
* Keeping the baby in my tummy beyond the G20 summit weekend (since they released the blockade map yesterday I'm hoping I can hold out until AFTER the conference to go into labour. Otherwise you might read about me in the newspaper as one of those women who gives birth in their car waiting in line at some random check point.)
So, here's the deal. Finding good daycare in my area is IMPOSSIBLE. Done and done. Next post. Okay... I'll elaborate a little... I have been spoiled enough in the past 2 years and 3 1/2 months to have the opportunity to stay home with my little guy and be his primary caregiver. I consider myself very lucky to be able to do so, as most women don't have that luxury in this age. There have been days, however, that I wished I could ship my toddler off to someone else's residence (or Afghanistan) just to get a breather (what with colic (?) from 6 weeks to 4 months, terrible two tantrums, etc. you can either imagine or relate). With the imminent birth of my little beaner, I can't help but wonder how I will be able to juggle TWO kids in my little house ALL BY MYSELF. Thankfully my husband's company provides him with a month of paternity leave, so he'll be able to help out for the first 30 days...but what then?

My mother-in-law, who has been so gracious thus far, will be able to provide her babysitting duties in her usual capacity (two days a week)...but I wanted to be able to have a day where I could spend with JUST my big boy and dedicate ALL of my attention to him. So there goes one of those freebie - Nana days. That means there's just ONE left. ONE day to spend entirely with the little baby (something that my toddler had all day everyday for the first two and a half years of his life! Seems like a bit of a gyp for the wee one!). How can I squeeze in some more "alone" time with these kids? Especially when it looks like I'll have 3 days a week where I'm trying to keep 2 very differently needy kids at bay.

I had been warned ahead of time that the waiting lists for daycare spots in my area were very long, mostly because city run day cares are few and far between around here. There are also a paltry amount of home-run day cares in the vicinity, but I'm always apprehensive about those because without Big Brother watching over them, and no set standards with which daycare runners are to follow in raising kids, there's always the opportunity for it to get messy.

When I found out I was pregnant for the second time, I immediately heeded my warnings and put my dude on lists. 4 to be precise. 3 for part time (two days a week) spots and 1 for a spot at the local nursery school (3 days a week, but only mornings).
Now, I realize that I must sound like a spoiled brat to those who stay home with a handful of kids without ANY help of ANY kind, but trust me ladies, I want to hold on to the mild facade of sanity that I cling to now. Of course, I'm not sure what the temperament of this little beaner will be like, but if it's anything like my number one, I will definitely need a break in some capacity.
Recently I called all the schools that we're wait listed at, just to "check-in" (a.k.a. - beg and plead for a spot) and the highest number we've shifted to at this point is #38. (I was laughed at when I asked what the possibility was of having my little dude start in July when the baby arrives). We have been on the list already for 8 months...and I still have 38 people ahead of me. And that's just at ONE daycare????????? Luckily, we did get a call from the nursery school and, because their wait list was so long, they decided to open up a new program (two days a week, for 2 hours a day). I snatched that spot up as quickly as it was offered to me. Two hours a day, two days a week isn't much, but it's better than a kick in the pants. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a full day spot will open up SOMEWHERE, but until then it looks like this is my best (...er...only?) option.
My hat goes off to all those mothers (who I know (MJ!) and who I don't) who stay home with more than one kid every day of the week. You are all superwomen and I'm not sure how you stay sane. You deserve more than a medal, but this shout-out is all I can offer. PLEASE TELL ME HOW YOU'RE DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!
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