Okay, honestly...you know me better than that! This post is not a tribute to the medicinal plant we most often call marijuana, but rather about a woman (ew...did I really call her a woman??? Yuck!) I know who is currently my hero.
I have been friends with MJ for about 6 1/2 years. We started out as co-workers and both moved on to bigger and better things. We did, however, have many things in common, including our love for our men and our wish to get married and have families of our own. We both got engaged around the same time, married in 2006 and pregnant for the first time in 2007. MJ went first and her beautiful little man was born a mere two weeks ahead of mine! Unfortunately, our dudes spent only a few special occasions together because both of our full schedules and the fact that we lived on opposite sides of the city from each other.
Then MJ threw everyone for a loop! She got pregnant again, this time ahead of schedule. Like WAAAAAAAAAAAY ahead of schedule. Now she has two little guys, a two and a half year old AND an 8 month old (who is just as handsome as his older brother and equally as easy going). And although the poor thing had to go it alone this time, I'm very fortunate to be able to learn from her experiences.
I just wanted to add this quick post to let everyone know that it is my friend MJ who has given me hope that life with a newborn and a toddler can be done, and perhaps even be quite enjoyable. Even though she lives on a few short hours of sleep everyday, she faces the world with a HUGE smile on her mug and the patience of Mother Theresa. You can see the joy in her eyes when she's with her kids and she tries her best to find a ray of sunshine in every dark cloud. She is definitely one of the best moms that I know, and I'm very thankful to have her to vent to. She never judges and though sometimes can't empathize with every situation I'm facing, she does a fantastic job at sympathizing.
MJ, thank you so much for giving me the confidence to know that I too will survive the next 2 years of my life, and though it may be hard, it will also be the best time of my life! I aspire to be half the mom that you are. Here's to you!
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