It was surprisingly insightful. I just assumed it would be the usual doctor jargon, but because I was unconscious the last time this procedure was performed on me, all the information was new and intoxicating! The befores, durings and afters were all discussed in-depth, and unfortunately for me, so were the complications (for which you KNOW I will dwell on one day in the near future!)
So, here's what 7/7/2010 looks like for me:
11:59 of July 6th - Make sure I have fed myself silly. This is essentially the last supper for a LONG time! (beginning at midnight I am no longer allowed to eat anything, not even Tums - not that I have heartburn, but I'm just saying...when you can't even have an antacid, that's serious stuff!)

Midnight 7/7/2010 - 7:00am - Toss and turn and pretend to sleep, but the nervousness of upcoming surgery is taking it's toll, as well as the excitement of FINALLY meeting the little bean!
8:45am - Pack the car with husband, hockey bag of things I'll never use (cuz I'll wear one pair of pyjamas the entire time, but it'll make me feel better to know that I have the option of a wardrobe change if necessary), body pillow (which will inevitably take up more space than me in the craftmatic adjustable hospital bed) and make our way to the O.R. during rush hour traffic...ugh!
9:45am - Check in to admitting and REMIND the clerk that I've requested a PRIVATE, I'm getting one, right? RIGHT????
11:45am - Get this show on the road!
Now, there were two instructions that I found quite interesting during my pre-op appointment:
1) No nail polish. Wha? Come again? How the hell does nail polish interfere with a stinkin' c-section? I didn't get a very good answer (or at least one that I was completely satisfied with), but essentially it boils down to the fact that high risk patients aren't allowed to be all dolled up for fear of complications (????) so it's just easier to say, no makeup, no nail polish, no jewelry, etc., for everybody. No special treatment. So, not only have they provided me with a fantastic excuse to look like a repulsive slab of flesh, but now I have a real reason to keep my Flintstonian toes naked. (Mental note: take pedicure off my to-do list!)

2) No shaving. I asked because they will be making an incision near the bikini line, I am half Italian and my stomach is the size of Mt. Olympus...need I say more? The nurse said that it was worse to shave or wax that "area" because the opened hair follicles can trap bacteria and cause infection. Again, perfect excuse to stay au naturel, just like God intended, right? (please see picture below...this is what I would look like sans maintenance...from the waist you can only imagine what below the belt looks like.)

Now, all kidding aside, my real questions involved things like:
Will I be able to hold my baby immediately after the surgery (Answer: Yes, as long as all is well with mommy and baby they encourage skin to skin contact)
Will I be able to breastfeed immediately after surgery (Answer: No, not until we reach the recovery room. They don't want to take a chance that the baby will kick surgical instruments or cause trauma to the incision until everything has been stitched up)
When can I see my baby #1 (Answer: As soon as I leave the recovery room. I wasn't terribly keen with this answer, as one can be in the recovery room for an extended period of time, depending on when a regular maternity room becomes available...BOOOOOO!)
And finally, at the end of the appointment, the nurse asked me to look into the two types of anaesthetic they offer for scheduled c-sections (spinal vs. epidural) and make my choice before the 7th. I'm leaning toward the spinal, but haven't looked into it enough yet to be positive (if you have any insight, please feel free to give me a shout!)
So, satisfied with the appointment, I moved around the corner to meet up with my OB for my weekly rendezvous. Baby is still breech, but my doctor has assured me that a) my baby HAS a head and b) the head appears to be of a REGULAR size (please see "Devil In Disguise" post if unsure of the reference). She also informed me, after 2 1/2 years, that the reason I had a c-section the first time was because my spine curves into my pelvis making that area a bit tight (hence my son's hesitance to drop - and maybe that's why this one is breech????). I also asked her what she thought about belly binding (but I referred to it as "post-surgery abdominal support" to the OB, of course, as not to appear narcissistic or egocentric - little does she know!) She said that she's neither here nor there on them. She says some people say they work, some people say they're useless...but if it makes me feel better to try it out, go for it. I said "Awesome!" And finally, I broached the subject of sterilization. She basically said "Are you sure?" and I said "I think so" and she said "Did you say, I think so? Cuz if you did, you're not a candidate for tubal ligation" and then looked at my husband and said "...and why can't you just do it?", which I appreciated.
Needless to say, today was a pretty good day, filled with mildly reassuring news about the surgery and the baby. Now it's all about the waiting...tick, tick, tick!
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