Sunday, May 9, 2010

Buona Festa Della Mamma!

I would be remiss if I didn't post a blog on the one day that is dedicated to one of the most difficult jobs in the world, BEING A MOM! And I can't lie... I take advantage of this day to the best of my ability. Luckily I have a beautiful son and wonderful husband who make this day a treat!
As previously posted, my favourite gift is sleep and it was one that was appreciatively given! My husband pounced out of bed this morning when he heard the first grumblings of my toddler. He whisked him downstairs to keep him relatively quiet so that I could enjoy my morning of jobless bliss. And, of course, on the day when sleep is handed to me on a silver platter...I CAN'T SLEEP!!! I sat in bed for 20 minutes begging my body to fall back asleep...but the pregnant bladder calls, and that's one call that CAN NOT go unanswered. Once you're outta bed and the morning light is out, it's a recipe for disaster. Needless to say, the gift was greatly appreciated (and I'd LOVE a raincheck, hint, hint!)

So, once I was "up", off to the shower I went, but as all of you mothers know, once a child learns to turn a door handle, privacy goes the way of Elvis and leaves the building! With soap in my eyes, I was "gently" interrupted by my little one demanding that I open his gift. "In a minute" was NOT an option. Thankfully my husband pulled out the toothbrush (which is a new, favourite activity - for the child, not the adult!) and gave me a few minutes to wash the conditioner out of my hair and dry off.

So, I opened my gift, with lots of help from my wee man and we all hopped into the car for a delicious breakfast of french toast slathered in caramel, strawberries, maple syrup and frozen yogurt (yes...frozen yogurt). To top it off, sleep blessed me for two and a half hours this afternoon! Could I really have asked for a better day? The answer is NEGATIVE.

As the sun goes down, and the day comes to a close, it's hard to not sound cheesy and reflect, not only on my role as a mom (and mom to be!) but also on those moms that are close to me. Firstly, I'm so thankful to have my Mother-in-law, who makes my life a heck of a lot easier. She comes (free of charge!) not once, but twice a week, waking up at the crack of dawn just to drive all the way down to our place and watch our little guy while we both go to work. Never once does she complain! How lucky are we????

And how could I let a Mother's Day pass without sending a big shout-out to my own Mom, who spent most of my thirty odd years being a single parent. My husband and I struggle at the best of times and we're working on two incomes and four hands! I don't know how you did it, Mom!!! Love you lots!

And to all my lady friends out there, some who have been mothers for decades, and some who have been moms for days. There are those who are moms to one and those who are moms to, two, three and can you believe it, even four! (You guys are crazy!!!!) You're all amazing! Happy Mother's Day. I hope you all enjoyed your day as much as I did!

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